Always there, always listening

Modern Communication

This strap line ‘always there, always listening’, comes from Plastribution’s brand movie, created almost 5 years ago. Many people, including on occasions my colleagues, would perhaps question the validity of such a bold statement and refer to the fact that our offices are not open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week all year round; however, in the era of modern communication, including text email and mobile phones Plastribution is pretty much ‘always on standby’.

Why is the EU Plastics Industry concerned about BREXIT?

Naturally for the majority of UK citizens our perspective on BREXIT is about how the decision to leave the EU will impact us. It was not until I was preparing a presentation for a conference held during K 2016 that I became aware of the potential impact of the UK leaving the EU upon the remaining members of the EU and most specifically the potential implications for the plastics sector.

Price know-how November

Price Know How

Pressure continues to build on polymer pricing as feedstock prices firm and Sterling continues to weaken; but for now there is still the uncertainty factor to contend with.